
blow * up +

The terrorists blew the bridge up.
The family were injured when their house blew up because of a gas leak.
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blow up

When Joan heard the news, she blew up and rushed out of the room.
I broke her iPad and she blew up at me.
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break * down +

We need to break this problem down in order to solve.
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break down

The truck broke down in the desert.
Our marriage has broken down and we are getting a divorce.
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break down

She broke down after her husband died.
She had a nervous breakdown after her son was kidnapped.
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bring about +

The politician introduced new laws that might bring about some positive change.
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bring back

Whenever you borrow a book from the library you must bring it back
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bring back

Sometimes when people die they are able to be brought back to life.
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bring in

Fishermen always try to bring in a large catch.
Most part-time work does not bring in much money.
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bring * up +

I didn't want to bring up the fact that she was unemployed.
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bring * up +

Sam was brought up in South Carolina.
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bring up

Babies often bring up their food, but that phase soon passes.
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call back

I must call her back when we get to the office.
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call back

Mrs Bottone is in a meeting. Can you call back this afternoon, please?
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call * off +

They called the picnic off because of the rain.
The police called off their search for the burglar after they found him hiding in a shed.
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call * off +

He called off the dogs when he saw it was his neighbor.
OK, I agree to your demands. You can call your lawyers off now.
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call round

I think I'll call round and see if my grandmother needs anything.
Why don't you call round tomorrow? We can have a cup of tea and a chat.
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carry on +

Please, carry on. I didn't mean to interrupt you.
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carry on about +

He kept carrying on about how much money he makes.
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carry on with +

I want you to carry on with the project while I am out of town.
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carry * out +

The secret agent carried out his orders exactly as planned.
Grandma, let me help you carry out the boxes to the car.
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check in/into +

They need to check in before noon.
They checked into the hotel at 11:00 AM.
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check into +

We are checking into discount flights to London.
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cheer up

Cheer up. Everything will be all right.
You look sad. What can I do to cheer you up?
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come back

What time are you coming back?
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come down

I can’t afford the new TVs so I’ll wait for the prices to come down to a more reasonable price.
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come down

When I turned 21 my father gave me a ring that has come down from generation to generation.
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come down

When I stole a toy from store my mother came down on me harshly.
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come down with +

He came down with the flu.
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come on

Come on, we’re waiting for you and the show starts in 3 minutes!
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come on

Come on, Matt, I insist that you go with us to the concert.
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come on

Won-mo came on to me during our major’s MT, but I have no romantic feelings for him.
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come out

I didn't see the car at first. It came out of nowhere.
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come out

Sam finally came out last month.
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come out

The pictures came out great.
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come out with +

Microsoft is coming out with a new video game system next month.
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come up

I planned on visiting you last night, but something came up and I was unable to visit.
When snorkeling I can only stay underwater for 1 minute and then I must come up for air.
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come up to +

The job offer didn't come up to her expectations.
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find out

Vicky's parents are going to be so mad when they find out she got a tattoo.
One of the best ways to learn is to find out how other people do things
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get back

Brandon pranked me last Halloween, so this year I am going to get him back.
I can’t wait to get back my car that is in the shop.
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get on

Although my grandmother thinks she is young she is getting on in age.
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get * on

You should get your jacket on because it's going to be cold.
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get on / +

The train is leaving. Quick, get on!
Get on my bike and I will give you a ride home.
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get on with +

Natasha doesn't get on with her co-workers.
Do you get on with your neighbors?
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get out

I must get this work out before the deadline comes!
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get out of +

I fell into the water when I tried to get out of the canoe.
Most inmates can’t wait until they get out of prison.
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get * up

Ahmed got Abdul up at 5:30 in the morning by turning the music up really loud.
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get up

What time did you get up this morning?
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give up

Never give up learning English!
If after my 4th try to pass the teachers’ exam I will give up and work in another profession.
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give up

If you smoke, make every effort to give up. If you don’t then it is probable you’ll get cancer.
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go back

When are you going back to your house?
I'd rather die than go back out the way I was.
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go down

The cost of flight tickets is going down.
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go down

Joining the Army won’t go down well with Dad. You know he dislikes the military.
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go in for +

Are you going to go in for soccer this year at school?
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go into +

I really don't want to go into that now.
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go off

The bomb could go off at any moment.
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go off

The alarm clock went off at 6:00 AM.
At track events a pistol goes off to signify the start of a race.
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go off

The DVD player goes off automatically if you are not using it.
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go off

Maria went off last night after I told her about losing her bike.
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go off

Explorers usually go off to find new lands and treasure.
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go off

The surprise party went off without any problems.
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go on

Please, go on. Don't let me interrupt you.
I wish class would finish, but my professor’s lecture just keeps going on and on and on!
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go on

This place is a mess! What went on here last night?
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go on with +

I think we should go on with the meeting and stop wasting time.
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go out

The fire went out after three days.
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go out

They love to go out every Saturday night.
When couples start dating they usually go out on the town and have dinner, watch a movie, or other such activities.
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go up

Her total tax bill could go up sharply.
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go up

Several new KNUE buildings are going up in 2007 and 2008.
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hold * up +

The accident held traffic up for an hour.
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hold * up +

Five men held the bank up yesterday.
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hold * up +

Can you hook up the fax machine for me?
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look back on +

When I look back on my childhood, I often feel angry.
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look down on +

She's so conceited. She looks down on everybody else.
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look out

Look out, there's a black widow spider on the wall.
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look * up +

If you ever travel to California, you should look me up.
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look * up +

Sometimes when I reminisce I look up old friends on the Internet.
I takes time to look up new vocabulary words.
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look up to +

He looks up to his father.
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make * up +

Don't believe anything she says. She always makes things up.
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make * up +

Fortunately, my professor let me make up the exam I missed yesterday.
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make * up +

I takes me 10 minutes to make my face up.
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make up

You two have been friends for so long that I think you should make up.
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make up for +

Allen made up for being late by getting me flowers.
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pick * up +

What time are you going to pick me up.
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pick * up +

It's possible to pick up enough English in two weeks to get by on your trip to Los Angeles.
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pick * up +

Some weird guy tried to pick Patricia up at the bar.
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pick up

Business is really picking up this quarter.
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pick up

It took me 3 months to learn to play that song, but my brother picked it up in 2 days!
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point * out +

I'd like to point out that figures in column two might be outdated.
The victim pointed out the criminal from a police lineup.
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put * down +

She always puts down people who don't share her opinions.
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put * out +

Don't use water to put out a grease fire.
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put * out +

I don't want to put you out, but could you pick me up at the airport.
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put out +

I can't put out that much money each month.
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put * up

Can you put me up while I'm in town.
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put up with +

Sandy will not put up with smoking in her house.
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set off

When setting off fireworks you must be very careful not to get injured.
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set * off

My brother really set me off when he said that I didn’t love my parents as much as he.
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set * up

My mom set me up with her friend's son.
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set * up

I don't think he killed those men. Somebody set him up.
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set up +

I set up an appointment with my doctor at 3:30 this afternoon.
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sit down

Sit down and stop your noise!
The military sat down around all entry and exit points of the city.
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take * back +

I demand that you take back what you said.
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take * back +

The dress my grandmother bought for me didn't fit, so I took it back and exchanged it for a pair of pants.
I decided I didn’t want the DVD so I took it back to the store for a refund.
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take * off

My stomach felt funny when the plane took off.
When birds are startled they always take off as fast as possible.
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take * off +

In many cultures, it is appropriate to take off your shoes when entering a house.
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take * off +

I was sick last week, so I took a few days off of work.
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take off

We took off after dinner.
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take off

When the Noraebang was introduced to Korea the concept took off very quickly.
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take on +

She has taken on too much responsibility in this project.
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take * out +

I can't meet you tonight because I am taking Fernanda out to dinner.
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take * over +

Who is going to take over the family business when Aretha's father dies?
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take over

If the President is assassinated, the Vice-president will take over.
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take * up +

Have you taken up any new hobbies since you moved here?
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take * up +

We should take this issue up in the meeting tomorrow.
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take * up +

This dress is too long, I am going to take it up.
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take up +

This couch takes up too much space in the living room.
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turn * out

The weavers can turn out two or three rugs a month.
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turn * out

Turn out the light before you go to bed.
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turn out

Over 100,000 people turned out for the concert.
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turn out

She turned out to be the murderer after all.
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turn * up +

Turn up the TV. I can't hear what they're saying.
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turn up

My keys turned up in the bedroom.
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work * out +

I hope you two can work out your problems.
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work out

I work out three times a week at the fitness center.
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work out

I am glad your new catering business is working out.
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